Acupuncture helps keep Major League Baseballer Playing into his 40's

Acupuncture for Professional Baseball players

An article from the Journal of Chinese Medicine mentions how Jason Giambi credits acupuncture with being the secret to keeping up with the rigorous training of the Major League team the Cleveland Indians.

Jason is 43, which makes him the oldest professional baseball player in the league at the moment.  He started playing Major league Baseball 20 years ago, which is a very impressive career length for playing at the professional level.

His ability to keep up the pace is encouraging some of the younger players to give it a try, despite their initial dismissal of the practice.

The Club Acupuncturist uses the acupuncture to help release tight muscles, manage stress, enhance the immune system, improve sleep and general well-being.

At Be Smart Get Supple we have a Qualified Acupuncturist with over 17 years of experience. If you wish to try using acupuncture we may be able to help you keep at the top of your game be it sport or daily life.

Image Credit: Erik Drost
Used under Creative Commons License
